• Warsudi Warsudi Institut Agama Islam Al-Zaytun Indonesia (IAI AL-AZIS), Indramayu
  • Munawir Sajali Institut Agama Islam Al-Zaytun Indonesia (IAI AL-AZIS), Indramayu
Keywords: Contribution, Medina Charter, Pancasila Democracy.


The contribution of the Medina Charter on the Pancasila Democracy Concept is an issue that is being widely discussed in Indonesian society. The Medina Charter marked the beginning of the formation of an Islamic state in accordance with the principles of tolerance, freedom of religion and social justice such as freedom of religion, protection of minorities, relations between the state and religion, public participation in decision making, tolerance and harmony between religions, application of law in justice, education and public awareness. Discussion of these issues, based on inspiration from the Medina Charter, can help reinforce democratic principles and values of justice in Indonesia's diverse society. The aim of this study was to find out the concept of democracy in the Medina charter and to know the contribution of the Medina charter in the concept of Indonesian democracy. The researcher used a type of library research. Library research with the approach that the author used a legal research approach and it was undertaken in a normative juridical manner. The data sources used were the primary data sources, thus, the researcher used the book Islam and Modernity by Fazlur Rahman in 1982, Fiqh Siyasah by J. Suyuthi Pulungan in 1994 and the book Sociology by Ng. Philipus and Nurul Aini 2006 and secondary data sources, namely, books, journals, documents, laws and regulations related to the concept of democracy in the Medina Charter and Indonesian democracy. Provisions regarding the contribution of the madinah charter in the concept of democracy Pancasila that in the concept of democracy in the madinah charter provides an early example of political arrangements based on unity, cooperation and freedom of religion in diverse societies. These principles align with modern democratic values ​​and are relevant in Indonesia's complex society. The concept of the ummah in the Medina Charter can guide the creation of tolerance, harmony and harmony in Indonesia, reflected in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In democracy Pancasila and the values ​​of the Medina Charter complement each other in building the basis of inclusive democracy in Indonesia. The democratic principles of Pancasila which emphasize unity, justice and equality are in line with the teachings of the Medina charter which encourage interfaith tolerance and cooperation. Both support harmony in diversity, recognize the right to worship according to one's beliefs, and respect human values. The contribution of the madinah charter enriches the foundations of Pancasila democracy with the principles of inclusivity, equality and unity in Indonesia's diverse society.


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How to Cite
Warsudi, W. and Sajali, M. (2023) “KONTRIBUSI PIAGAM MADINAH DALAM KONSEP DEMOKRASI PANCASILA”, Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality, 12(2), pp. 525-550. doi: 10.47492/jih.v12i2.2956.