Call For Papers


"JIP” for JURNAL INOVASI PENELITIAN, published by Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram. Published in two formats, print and online, first edition published in June 2020, print version of ISSN: 2722-9475  and the online version of ISSN 2722-9467, both of which are published every month. in partnership with Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Pengiriman Ekspres, Pos dan Logistik Indonesia / Indonesian Express Delivery Companies Association (ASPERINDO). The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research to be published through this Journal. Before submission please make sure to read author guideliness. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline will not be processed. The scope of the journal studies broadly includes:

  1. Culture (a unique study of performing arts and classical culture, traditional from various regions in Indonesia, and modern cultural arts such as dance, fine arts, and music art also includes the study of Indonesian literature on classical and contemporary literary issues)
  2. Religion (Study of comparative religion, study of pluralism and religious diversity in Indonesia)
  3. Media (Cultural studies and media, New Media and Contemporary Societies)
  4. Gender (Urban Culture, Gender bias, and gender inequality)
  5. Public policy (extractive public policies, distributive public policies, and regulative public policies)
  6. Development (economic and social development, urban and regional development)
  7. Environment (customs, social and environmental, land and natural resource utilization)
  8. Disaster (local wisdom and social culture, disaster management, community empowerment, survival and humanity, disaster and social emergency response organizations)
  9. Social Science
  10. Tourism (ecotourism, tourism management, religious tourism, urban tourism, and cultural tourism)
  11. Agriculture
  12. Education


Call For Papers

Kami mengundang para peneliti, mahasiswa, akademisi, dan praktisi untuk mempublikasikan artikel nya di Jurnal Invoasi Penelitian (JIP). JIP adalah sebuah jurnal Blind Peer-Review yang disediakan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang ilmu yang sesuai dengan focus dan scope yang tidak terbatas secara implisit dan publish setiap awal bulan,12 kali dalam setahun. Semua publikasi di JIP bersifat open acces tanpa harus berlangganan dan semua artikel bisa di download. Silahkan klik di sini untuk submit online. setelah submit diharapkan langsung contact kami via whatsapp di 087864008292 untuk konfirmasi status artikel yang telah di submit.

setiap artikel yang telah di kirimkan LOA akan diterbitkan awal bulan. Kami tunggu manuskrip terbaik Bapak/Ibu untuk publikasi berkualitas.

Editor in Chief

Lalu Masyhudi