Integrating Media-Assisted Instruction to Enhance English Language Skills within a School English Community

Keywords: Media-assisted Instruction, Needs Assessment, Collaborative Design, Capacity Building, Student Engagement


This community service project at Muhammadiyah Senior and Junior High Schools in Tarakan, North Kalimantan, sought to resolve the issue of low student engagement and English language proficiency within the English Community (EC) program, which had previously employed conventional teaching methods. The primary objective was to improve learning outcomes by incorporating media-assisted instruction. Comprehensive needs assessments, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative planning with school principals, EC coordinators, and teachers comprised the project. Educators were instructed on the effective utilization of multimedia resources. Iterative feedback and continuous improvement were incorporated into the implementation. The findings indicated a 20% enhancement in students' English proficiency and a 25% increase in motivation and engagement. These results emphasize the significance of continuous evaluation, student involvement, capacity building, needs-based customization, and collaborative design in educational interventions, which result in substantial enhancements in language learning and overall student participation.

Author Biographies

Jhoni Eppendi, English Education Department, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Jhoni Eppendi menjadi dosen di Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Borneo Tarakan sejak tahun 2017. Penelitiannya berfokus pada Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dan motivasi belajar. Artikel-artikel penelitiannya telah dipublikasikan dalam Jurnal nasional, prosiding nasional, dan prosiding internasional. Saat ini, ia sedang meneliti kebutuhan belajar mahasiswa dan motivasi belajar mereka. Ia adalah seorang pendidik yang berdedikasi tinggi dalam mengembangkan bidang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Karya penelitiannya telah mendapatkan pengakuan dari komunitas akademik melalui publikasi di jurnal-jurnal nasional, prosiding nasional, dan prosiding internasional. Dalam penelitian terbarunya, ia fokus pada pemahaman akan kebutuhan belajar mahasiswa dan motivasi belajar mereka. Ia berupaya untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar dan mencari strategi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dalam konteks pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

Nofvia De Vega, English Education Department, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

She is one of English Education Department lecturers at Universitas Borneo Tarakan and Ph.D student. Her research focuses on Teaching English and information and communication technology (ICT) in Education. Listening and learning media are her major skill and competency in teaching and learning process.


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How to Cite
Eppendi, J., & Vega, N. (2024). Integrating Media-Assisted Instruction to Enhance English Language Skills within a School English Community. E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(2), 619-628.